Our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (version 4 dated  May 2024) sets out how we process and manage your personal data.

We value your privacy and will keep your data safe. We will never give your personal information to other organisations to use for their own purposes.

This policy covers:

  1. Collection of personally identifiable information, and how we keep your data safe.
  2. Our website.
  3. Our marketing and fundraising communications with our supporters.
  4. The way we use your personal data in order to serve you better.
  5. Photographs and videos.
  6. Further information, including how you may access your personal data.


There are circumstances when the Mary How Trust records personally identifiable information so that we can respond to a request made by you. For example, if you:

  • Fill in an order form to request information, products or services, or to make donations.
  • Get in touch with us and give us your contact details so that we can respond to you.
  • Complete surveys that we use for research purposes.

This information, such as your name, address, email address and the type of request, is collected and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We value your privacy and never give your information to other organisations to use for their own purposes.

We may use a third party organisation in order to respond to your request (for example, a mailing company to send out a newsletter you have subscribed to). Any such organisation will be required to sign a data-sharing agreement.

How We Keep Your Data Safe

We use our best efforts to keep your data secure. We have put in place appropriate technical controls to protect your personal information, and we adhere to a Data Protection Policy and a Record Retention Protocol that we review regularly and update as appropriate.


Thank you for visiting the Mary How Trust website. This section of the Privacy Policy covers how the Mary How Trust will use any information that is collected when you visit our website. We respect your right to personal privacy.

Please read this policy in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions, which cover your access to our website as well as online orders and donations.

What Information Is Collected When You Visit Our Website?

Our website does not store or capture any personally identifiable information without your knowledge and permission.

When you visit the Mary How Trust website, a cookie (small text file) is downloaded onto your computer. Cookies do not store personally identifiable information, nor do they harm your computer.

We use session cookies to collect anonymous, aggregated website statistics, such as which pages are most and least popular. This information is used for internal purposes only and is not shared with third parties. It helps us to understand how visitors use our website, and how we can improve it.

The system will log the name of your internet service provider along with other information provided by your browser. This may include your operating system, the website that referred you to us, the browser and type of machine you are using, the pages you visit and the date and time of those visits.

When you first visit our website a persistent cookie is downloaded, which remains in your browser’s cookie store between sessions. This type of cookie identifies repeat visitors to a website, and where there are registered users they will be able to use the website without logging in on every visit.

You may opt to view our website without cookies by adjusting your browser’s settings. Learn more about cookies.

When you place an order or make a donation at our website, your card details will be processed by Paysafe, which is an accredited payment service provider that will handle your credit card transaction in a highly secure environment. We have a data-sharing agreement with Paysafe. At no time will your card details be stored by the Mary How Trust.

When you contact us via our website, for example by requesting a health screening, signing up for newsletters, or sending us a message via our ‘Get In Touch’ page, your message will be sent to us via a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This protects your personal information as it travels from the website to our appointments or fundraising team in the office.

Links To Third Party Content

This website contains links to other sites. The Mary How Trust is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those websites. Any such links should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.


We use our best efforts to keep the data that we hold secure. All data is transmitted to our website at your own risk. (See ‘How We Keep Your Data Safe’ above.)


The Mary How Trust for Cancer Prevention holds the copyright for the content on our website. You may download and read this material but you may not alter, repost or sell it without the prior permission of the Mary How Trust.

If you do use our content, please consider making a donation to the Mary How Trust.


We will ensure the content of this website is accurate and up to date, but do not accept liability for errors or omissions. We reserve the right to change or update the information on this website without notice.


It matters to us that you are happy with the way we contact you. We would like to keep you informed about our work and the ways you can support us and help to save lives. We will only communicate with you in this way if you have given us your consent to do so.

You can tell us that you wish to receive certain newsletters or other communications from us by clicking to subscribe via our website, or by telling us via email, phone, or in person. You can change how you hear from us, or unsubscribe, in the same way. There is also an unsubscribe link on all our e-newsletters.

We will record your contact details in our fundraising database along with a note of which communications you have asked us to send you, so that we can process your request.

If you have opted to receive our newsletters and other communications via email, your email address will be processed by Constant Contact email software. We have a data-sharing agreement with Constant Contact, which has a no-tolerance spam policy and employs safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information.

If you have opted to receive our newsletters and other communications via post, your contact details will be processed by our printers/mailing house for the purposes of printing the mailing label and preparing the envelopes for mailing, and as a cost-effective way for us to send you your newsletter. We have a data-sharing agreement with them.

Saying ‘Thank You’ For Making A Donation Or Fundraising For Us

It is very important to us that we acknowledge our donors and fundraisers and tell you how much we appreciate your remarkable support. So we will always thank you when you make a donation or raise funds.

If you make a regular gift by Standing Order or credit card, we will write to thank you when you set up your gift. If you bring your regular gifts to an end, we will write to acknowledge this and thank you for your support to date.

If you fundraise for the Mary How Trust we will also ask your permission before we acknowledge your fundraising activity in our newsletter and/or social media. We are proud of our supporters, and delighted to show the impact of your support.


When you share your personal information with us we aim to be clear how we will use your data to serve you better.

We will only collect the information we need for providing the services or products you have asked for. For example, if you apply for a health screening, we will ask you your date of birth – but we will never ask you your date of birth when you sign up for our newsletter.


We may process your information for carefully considered and specific purposes to enhance the services we provide.

For example, if you have given us your consent to send you details of fundraising campaigns, we may use your data to determine whether we think you would like to hear about a specific fundraising appeal.

Other ways in which we use your personal information include:

  • Determining whether we think you would like to hear about a particular event or activity.
  • Processing your donations, Gift Aid, and fundraising.
  • Inviting you to take part in a supporter survey, so that we can learn about your relationship with the Mary How Trust, and learn how you think we could improve our services, products, and communications.
  • Keeping a record of how you prefer us to contact you, and what communications you wish to receive from us.

This helps us to use our resources carefully, and to communicate with you in a way that is relevant to you.

At any time, you have the right to withdraw your consent to our holding and processing your personal data.

Please read this Privacy Policy inconjunction with our Fundraising Promise.

Health Screening

This section of the Privacy Policy covers the way we hold and process your personal information for the purposes of your health screening.

In order for us to process your appointments and test results we will record your details on our clinical database, and on clinical spreadsheets such as our waiting list that are covered by our Data Protection Policy. We will ask you to confirm your consent to hold your personal information in this way when you book your appointment. Without your consent, we will be unable to proceed with your appointment, as this information is essential for us to provide our health screening service.

In line with our Record Retention Policy, we will keep your records on our clinical database for 8 years from your last appointment.

We will send a copy of your results to your GP if we have your signed consent to do so.  If you do not wish to share your results with your GP, we will send them only to you.

When you make a donation for your health screening, we will add your details to our fundraising database for the purposes of processing your gift. (See ‘Fundraising’ paragraph above.)


We are grateful to everyone who tells us they wish to share their health screening experience or their supporter story. This helps to spread the word about the importance of spotting illness early – and it shows the lasting impact made by our donors, fundraisers, and volunteers.

When you offer to share your story, we will ask you to fill in a consent form, and we will ask if you are happy for us to use your real name and photo, or if you would prefer to remain anonymous.


Taking, keeping, and publishing photographs and videos involves processing personal data. We store photos and videos on our computer system in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we use our best efforts to keep your data secure – see paragraph 1 above: Collection of Personally Identifiable Information.

We may use a third party organisation (for example, we upload videos to our channel on YouTube), but we ensure the third party has a well-defined privacy policy. For example, see YouTube’s privacy policy.

Where we use photographs/videos

We share photos and videos in a wide variety of print and digital platforms and communications, including:

  • Supporter communications (eg) newsletters, fundraising appeals, thank you letters.
  • Promotional material (eg) our website, event brochures, posters, leaflets, fundraising pack.
  • Newspapers and magazines, television reports, and other news media.
  • Social media.
  • At events, exhibitions, and displays not within the Mary How Trust’s premises.

How we manage your consent to use photographs/videos

We obtain written consent before we make use of a photo/video that focuses on a specific individual, wherever possible at the time the photo/video is taken.

In all cases, you have the right to change your mind at any time, and ask us not to use your photo/video in future.

At our fundraising events and other activities we may take photos/videos that capture the general setting and audience, where people are incidentally included and specific individuals are not the focus. These images are unlikely to contain personal data; nevertheless we make an announcement at the beginning of the event and ask anyone who prefers not to be photographed/filmed to make themselves known to us, so that we can avoid catching them in shot.

What happens when consent is withdrawn?

If you ask us not to use your photo/video in future:

  • We will acknowledge your request in writing by letter or email.
  • We will remove your photo/video from our website, and (where applicable) from other platforms such as YouTube, within one month.
  • We will cease to use your testimonial in our letters and social media immediately.
  • We will remove your photo from a printed document such as a leaflet when the document is next reprinted.
  • We will archive the photo/video securely, for historical purposes only, unless specifically requested in writing to destroy the material held.

Please note, however:

  • Material previously published that includes the photo/video may remain in circulation, but your photo/video will not be included in any further posts or reprints.
  • Some social media sharing may be beyond our control.
  • Photos and videos may be taken at public events by third parties beyond our control.


We will process your personal data lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.

You have a right to ask us to stop holding or processing your personal data at any time, and we will do so unless we are obliged to hold your data for contractual purposes.

For example, if you have given us permission to Gift Aid your donation, we must hold your data in accordance with HMRC requirements. Or if you have given us your personal information for the purposes of your health screening, we are obliged to keep that health data for 8 years.

Our Contact Details

You may contact us at the following address if you have any queries or complaints:

The Mary How Trust for Cancer Prevention
Pulborough Primary Care Centre
Spiro Close
West Sussex RH20 1FG

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01798-877640

The Mary How Trust trustee with responsibility for overseeing data protection is Mrs Deborah Kirby. You may contact her at the Mary How Trust (contact details above).

If you would like to see a copy of the Mary How Trust’s Data Protection Policy and/or our Record Retention Protocol, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Subject Access Request

You have a right to ask us for a copy of any personal information we hold about you (a ‘Subject Access Request’).  If we do hold information about you we will:

  • Give you a description of it.
  • Tell you why we are holding it.
  • Tell you whom it could be disclosed to.
  • Let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

If you wish to make a Subject Access Request, please contact us by post or email to the Mary How Trust (contact details above). We will respond to your request within 20 days.

If at any time you feel that we have failed to meet these standards then please either contact us or make a complaint to the Information Commissioner (www.ico.org.uk/concerns).